
What is Lumbago?

Lumbago is a general term used to describe pain and stiffness in the lower back.


Sometimes, the cause of lumbago is hard to pinpoint, even after comprehensive medical tests have been done. Lumbago can be caused from several factors, but the main reason is overuse of the lower back and the sudden lifting of a heavy load.

There are many different conditions that cause or contribute to low and lower back pain. Many involve nerve compression (eg, pinched nerve) that may generate pain and other symptoms. Types of spinal disorders include trauma-related and degenerative; meaning age-related. Some of these spinal problems are listed below.

  • Bulging or herniated disc. A disc may bulge outward and can cause nerve compression, inflammation, and pain.
  • Spinal stenosis develops when the spinal canal or a nerve passageway abnormally narrows.
  • Spinal arthritis, also called spinal osteoarthritis or spondylosis, is a common degenerative spine problem.
  • Spondylolisthesis occurs when a lumbar (low back) vertebral body slips forward over the vertebra below it.
  • Vertebral fractures (burst or compression types) are often caused by some type of trauma (eg, fall).
  • Osteomyelitis is a bacterial infection that can develop in one of the spine’s bones.
  • Spinal tumors are an abnormal growth of cells (a mass) and are diagnosed as benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancer).


Since lumbago means suffering from lower back pain, some patients may think that’s the only symptom. It’s important to dig deeper into the kind of lower back pain in order to get lumbago treatment. Symptoms include:

  • Pain radiating to the legs
  • Muscle spasms
  • Aching
  • Stiffness
  • Soreness if touched
  • Difficulty walking

It is important to note that patients can experience lumbago without all of the above symptoms present. For example, patients with muscle spasms and stiffness may not have radiating pain. Acute or chronic lumbago may be diagnosed if one or more of the symptoms are present.


To help diagnose the cause of your back pain or rule out any serious problems, your doctor may ask questions about the pain, such as:

  • Did the back pain come on suddenly, does it come and go, or has it gradually worsened over time?
  • Is your back sore to the touch?
  • Is your back pain affected by your position, e.g. is it worse or better when you stand or sit, or bend over or lie down?
  • Was it brought on by exercise or activity that you are unaccustomed to?
  • Do you have any pain in your feet or legs?
  • Is there any tingling in your legs or feet?
  • Is the back pain accompanied by any swelling?
  • Is the pain worse during the night?
  • Are you having any problems going to the toilet?
  • If your doctor suspects a specific cause of the back pain then they may refer you for imaging tests such as X-ray of the lumbar spine (although plain X-rays are rarely useful), or an MRI scan. MRI scans can show the spinal discs and the nerve roots and the soft tissues. MRIs are probably the most useful imaging technique for low back pain as they can show problems with the discs and whether anything is pressing on the nerves of the spinal cord. Sometimes a CT scan will be suggested, if an MRI is not available.
  • Ultrasound may be used if kidney stones are suspected as the cause of the pain.
  • Nerve conduction studies called electromyography may be suggested, however the results often don’t reflect the symptoms, so this test may not give any useful information.


Homeopathic medicines provide symptomatic relief in Lumbago. The medicines are selected basis the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using Homoeopathic holistic approach.

Following remedies are highly effective in the treatment of Lumbago:


  • Violent, acute low back pain.
  • Pain is severe and can be burning, throbbing, shooting, or spasmodic.
  • Intense spasms come on suddenly and leave just as quickly.

Kali Carbonicum

  • Sense of exhaustion in the back, or the back may feel broken.
  • Pains have a stitching nature and are much better from pressure.
  • In women, back pain may occur during labor or the menstrual period.

Rhus Toxicodendron

  • Back pain comes on after overexertion, especially from lifting something too heavy.
  • The pain is aching and the low back is stiff.
  • It is worse from first motion, yet better from continued motion.
  • The pain may come on with exposure to cold wet air, cold drafts, or before storms.


  • Weak feeling in the low back.
  • Symptoms are often worse in the late afternoon from 3 to 5 p.m.
  • The person can be indifferent to their loved ones and desire sour or vinegary foods.


  • The pain is often as if the back is broken, or it may be a burning pain.
  • The person is often chilly and is anxious about their health or worries about others.
  • Better when someone is sitting right there with them, giving them sympathy.
  • Back pain is better from rubbing/massaging.