Adenoids and Polyps


The adenoids are a mass of soft tissue behind the nasal cavity. Like lymph nodes, adenoids are part of the immune system and are made of the same type of tissue (lymphoid tissue). White blood cells circulate through the adenoids and other lymphoid tissue, reacting to foreign invaders in the body. 

We all have adenoids at birth and in childhood, but as we head into adolescence they start to shrink. By adulthood, most people’s adenoids have disappeared.

Adenoids Conditions:

  • Adenoiditis: Inflammation of the adenoids, often from infection. Bacteria or viruses may cause adenoiditis.
  • Enlarged adenoids: In children, the adenoids can get larger because of infection or reasons that are unclear. Very large adenoids can interfere with breathing or with the flow of mucus.
  • Obstructive sleep apnea: While sleeping, enlarged adenoids may intermittently block the flow of air through the throat. This can cause a person to stop breathing for a few seconds (known as apnea) and can occur several times each night.
  • Ear infections (otitis): In children, enlarged adenoids may block the Eustachian tubes, which drain fluid from the ears into the throat. If these tubes are unable to drain, it can lead to repeated ear infections.

Symptoms of Enlarged Adenoids

Because they are on the front line of a body’s defenses, it’s possible that the adenoids may swell temporarily as they fight off infections. Multiple infections, allergies and other factors may cause chronic enlargement. When adenoids become enlarged, your child may experience:

Enlarged adenoids can cause a number of symptoms, including:

  • blocked, stuffy nose
  • ear problems
  • problems sleeping
  • snoring
  • sore throat
  • difficulty swallowing
  • swollen glands in the neck
  • problems breathing through the nose
  • “glue ear,” or otitis media with effusion (fluid buildup in the middle ear, which can cause hearing problems)
  • cracked lips and dry mouth (from breathing problems)
  • sleep apnea(pauses in breathing during sleep)

Diagnostic measures-

  • Endoscopy: A small, flexible tube with a lighted camera on the end is inserted into the nose or throat. A doctor can view the nasal passages and adenoids on a video screen during endoscopy.
  • Computed tomography (CT): A CT scanner takes multiple X-rays, and a computer constructs detailed images of the sinuses, nasal cavities, and adenoids. 
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): An MRI scanner uses a high-powered magnet and a computer to create highly detailed images of the nasal passages, sinuses, and adenoids.

Homeopathic medicines

Baryta Carb :- Baryta Carb is one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for enlarged works wonder in adenoids cases where the child is very prone to catch cold easily. Every exposure to cold causes adenoids to enlarge. Including adenoids the tonsils, too, may also be enlarged in such cases. Throat pains, difficulties in swallowing, blocked nose, breathing by opening mouth with dryness of mouth are well marked. The child is mentally as well as physically week. A child has a tendency of increased sweat from feet that offensive nature.


Bacillinum:- It is the nosode usually given as inter current remedy on basis of totality symptoms. The key symptom is the person frequently catch cold and that affect the adenoids and tonsils. He is very susceptible to cold. The child has good appetite and eats well but very lean and thin body constituion. Family history of bronchial asthma or allergic rhinitis or tuberculosis may be present. There is very frequently changing of symptoms. There is a tendency of chronic headache that origin by study or slight mental exertion.


Calcarea carb:- Calcarea Carb is the most effective Homeopathic medicines for enlarged adenoids. The child is fatty, obese, tendency to put weight. There is a tendency to sweat more on slight physical exertion, especially from the head portion. Desire for open air, cannot tolerate warm atmosphere, and sweat profusely, but exposure to cold air make him to suffer cold and cough with blocking nose and adenoids. Difficult and delayed dentition with the characteristic head sweats.


Natrum Mur:- It is mainly prescribesd for those child who are lean and thin, emaciated with enlarged adenoids. Those children are generally prone to get frequent upper respiratory infection with marked sneezing, fluent, thin watery nasal discharges. The child has good appetite but still not gaining weight in proportional to his diet. Child has a tendency of headache if expose to sun or by continuous reading. The natrum mur child is cranky and stubborn nature.